Is This Necessary?

Does that really need to go there?

Trust me, I ask myself that all the time.

Organization can be hard – especially in college.

Something that has really helped me is asking myself how many times I use something and if I really really really need it to be there.

I do this whenever I find myself getting messy. It’s not often, but sometimes it does happen.

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If you’re looking for a specific tactic in trying to become super tidy, check out the KonMari Method! I have heard so many people rave about this method and about how it really truly works.

I’ve written about dorm organization many times in the past, so feel free to check out those previous blog posts! Shameless self promo, of course.

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When coming to college, I knew that staying organized may be a challenge. Something that I did was Google how to stay organized in college. I’m not kidding – it totally worked. This is one of my most favorite lists on how to stay organized!

If you’re feeling really ambitious, making daily checklists is a great way to stay organized. It is really dependent on how devoted you are and what works best for you.

Remember to ask yourself, “If this a want, or is it a need?”

Sunshine and Sweet Tea,


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